Travel and Expense

Effortless Travel and Expense Management Now Available Within Microsoft Teams


Hot chocolate and marshmallows. Movies and popcorn. A good book and an exit row on a long flight. Some things just go better together. That¡¯s why we¡¯re excited to announce the integration of ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ Travel and ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ Expense with Microsoft Teams. 

These days when we talk about efficiency, productivity, and collaboration they aren¡¯t just buzzwords, they¡¯re drivers of business success.  Meeting your employees where and how they work is key to keeping operations running smoothly. And when it comes to meeting your employees where they are, they¡¯re almost certainly in Microsoft Teams. 

As an industry leader in meeting, collaboration, and chat, MS Teams has become a foundational application for organizations both big and small. With that, we recognized a unique opportunity to bring the power and flexibility of ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ Expense and ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ Travel into a platform that¡¯s a daily part of business life. It¡¯s two industry-leading solutions together in one experience.

Now you can take advantage of moments, conversations, and opportunities as they happen by accessing ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ Expense and ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ Travel directly from MS Teams. Here are just some of the ways you can benefit from this integration:

  • You¡¯re in an MS Teams meeting discussing the agenda for an upcoming offsite. Someone asks about sharing a cab from the airport.  Someone else wants to know if anyone will arrive in time for dinner. You can answer these questions right then and there by sharing your travel plans directly from within MS Teams.


  • You¡¯re chatting with a colleague in MS Teams about an upcoming conference you¡¯re both attending when she realizes she hasn¡¯t booked her flight yet . You send her your flight details as you¡¯re chatting which takes her straight to the relevant page within ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ Travel so she can skip the search and book her flight. And no worries if she doesn¡¯t want that exact flight. She can easily modify her flight to meet her specific needs.


  • While you¡¯re traveling your manager messages you in the MS Teams mobile app reminding you that expense reports need to be processed by end of the week. You simply type ¡°Expense Approvals¡± into the ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ App on MS Teams to view the expense reports in your queue. You can approve or send them back all from within Microsoft Teams.


Today¡¯s work environment demands a lot of its employees. Providing them with tools that make their daily tasks easier not only improves employee satisfaction but increases productivity and that¡¯s a win-win for everyone.

ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ Travel and Expense self-guided demo

This brief demo will show you how to book travel, capture expenses from any device, and submit an expense report for approval.

Try the Demo Today
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